Understanding Biometric Authentication

Biometric Authentication
Image Credit: Blue Planet Studio / Getty Images

Today, the use of biometric authentication in a business setting is frequently addressed. At the same time, it is still deemed fresh because it is only now gaining traction. As a result, businesses considering and implementing such an authentication system face a plethora of confusing intricacies to which different falsehoods are added.

Let us first define and then analyze the benefits and drawbacks of biometric authentication in the workplace.

What is biometric authentication?

Biometrics is frequently an identifying technique with a tangential link to authentication. On the other hand, biometrics can be utilized as an authentication element.

It should be noted that if these technologies are implemented to high standards, they are rather complex and costly.

As a result, they should be utilized only when it is impossible to do without them or when the hazards are sufficiently significant, such as when we require constant user identification.

Assume a user was verified and then swapped places with someone else who continues to carry out the obligations of the original individual provided with the necessary privileges.

Authentication is not limited to computer systems in general. Throughout their life, anybody must affirm who they are and that they has the authority to conduct specified tasks. We employ three elements each time: what I know, what I have, and who I truly am.

Previously, biometrics were frequently utilized as the only element of authentication. Biometrics is rarely utilized as the sole authentication factor today. Nonetheless, nothing prohibits it from fulfilling this job.

In many situations, the term “verification” rather than “authentication” may be preferred. After all, we’re discussing authenticity here, not a one-to-many comparison.

Several biometric criteria will be employed in the near future because none of the elements alone gives a 100 percent assurance of recognition. The goal of multimodal biometrics is to reduce the occurrence of incorrect identification.

It should be highlighted that when we employ a component like fingerprints, we identify a person’s physical shell but have no grasp of his inner nature.

The latter, for example, can be identified by the presence of mind and memory. As a result, limiting oneself to physical elements is not correct. A mental personality must be determined.

Biometric Authentication Methods

The most prevalent methods employed in the world of information security are fingerprint and facial scanning (both 2D and 3D). The pattern of palm veins and the iris are also employed.

Experts identified scanning the shape of the nose and ear as one of the unusual biometric identification techniques. This is all there is to physical traits.

Regarding behavioral aspects, we may include voice, typewriting analysis, and mouse movement.

Any biometric system begins with two subsystems: the recognition subsystem and the subsystem that determines the human being. The latter should decide that a live person, not a plastic model or a photograph, is standing in front of it.

When selecting a vendor, the consumer should exercise caution. Some companies place a premium on the usage of 3D. It is critical to determine why they have 3D: whether it is for recognition or to determine that the system is dealing with a human individual.

Why Do Organizations Need To Use Biometrics?

In many circumstances, companies cannot function without biometric authentication technologies. It’s also worth mentioning that biometrics is frequently positioned as the most convenient authentication method.

Businesses can benefit from portraying biometric authentication as innovative and “state-of-the-art.”

Scenarios for Using Biometric Authentication

The access control system is the most typical use for biometric authentication. It scans your fingerprint, palm vein, and iris.

Modern cell phones are also examples of successful applications. Video analytics are used by retail businesses and anti-terrorist services to detect potentially problematic persons.

Fingerprint scanning is the most cost-effective method of biometric identification. It is also the most untrustworthy technology. The cost of identifying a user by the pattern of palm veins is more, but the security is higher.

Voice recognition may be installed at a reasonable cost. Its cost is determined immediately once a fingerprint and a face are scanned. Voice confirmations are now extensively utilized in banking apps to transfer money.

Choosing Biometric Authentication Technology

Choosing a biometric system entails selecting software and hardware components. The biometric system’s key benefit is its convenience. It is critical not to jeopardize this convenience by making the system as simple to use for the end user as feasible.

It is worthwhile to consider the disadvantages of biometrics. For instance, the system will not let you in if you cut your finger. In this instance, the approach that considers more than one finger for authentication should always be preferred.

Customers frequently focus on the recognition algorithm when it comes to software. However, you should not depend only on such algorithms’ rankings because the disparities between first and tenth places can only be noticed in laboratory circumstances.

As a result, it is preferable to focus on the added functionality:

  • Can the solution provide continuous authentication?
  • Does it integrate with other solutions?
  • How is role-based access implemented?

When examining various biometric identification technologies, it is vital to assess the feasibility of adopting a certain technology in specific circumstances. It is vital to operate a pilot project for some time in order to understand what you will be dealing with.

If you discover that in your circumstances, the response speed is more critical than accuracy, you should concentrate on the first attribute.

Implementing a Biometric Authentication System

Biometrics are still viewed with skepticism in certain businesses today. You may progressively persuade employees of the benefits of biometric authentication systems by improving employee awareness.

To accomplish so, you must first discuss the end-interests users and how they would profit from employing this technology.

Unknown things are usually frightening. Ordinary employees are concerned about biometric data-based surveillance attempts. Because of recent data breaches, they are hesitant to agree to process personal data.

Massive sums of money are being spent to convince people that biometrics is beneficial and secure. Many individuals currently use fingerprint scanners to prevent unauthorized access to their cell phones. When a person sees a tangible benefit from new technology, he embraces it more quickly.

Dealing With Biometric Data Leaks

What should you do if third-party biometric data is obtained? The fingerprint cannot be reset or changed in the same way that the password can. All experts realize the presence of such a disadvantage, which is first rationally included in biometrics, but remember that all nations’ border systems are based on biometrics. The passport photo has been validated.

Today, the absence of collected experience with biometrics in cyberspace precludes making a categorically negative prediction for data breaches.

In the case of a biometric data breach, substituting another element, such as a cryptographic key, might be beneficial.


Some academics question the necessity of mandating biometric identity and verification. We can all agree that biometrics is handy, and the most convenient approach, in general, draws much attention, even if it is not as safe as more advanced alternatives.

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