Automated Discovery Tools to ensure Cloud Migration Success

Automated Discovery Tools
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Automated Discovery Tools: Data is a crucial subject for every enterprise. Enterprises have to manage, store, and update large amounts of data. But performing such tasks on an on-primes system develops a large number of anomalies. Here comes the need for cloud migration. We can store heavy and important data in cloud storage but performing such tasks is not handy.

Cloud migration is a time-consuming and costly process if done without any sort of assistance. The average cost of migrating applications from on-premise to cloud is $1,000-$3,000 per server. But automated discovery tools reduce the headache of migration. It reduces the time requirement as well as reduces the cost.

In this article, we will discuss what automated discovery tools are, their benefits, and their types.

What are Automated Discovery Tools?

When a company has a need for cloud migration, they need to analyze their internal systems. It is not possible to immediately transfer enterprise applications from an in-house setup to the cloud. Designers have to design a model for which applications will take part in migration, how they are going to map in the new system, which application will be used in place of the former, which services we will utilize in the cloud, which database software will fulfill the requirement, cost and time.

This step requires a time of approximately 2-3 months. But infrastructure can use automated discovery tools to minimize the required effort.

Automated tools perform in-depth research about hardware and software. They also provide a blueprint of what will be mapped against the present system to fulfill the company’s needs. Let us provide you with an example to get a clear idea.

You have an application that maintains a database, storage, and server to run applications. The company wants to migrate this application from a local server to the Amazon (AWS) cloud.

Automated discovery tools will make a blueprint of all tools used by AWS cloud to run applications. The Discovery tool will re-architect our application at less cost.

How Does an Automated Discovery Tool Work?

Enterprises go through the process of migration readiness. It is the assessment step needed to migrate to a better setup. Organizations understand their present position. A list of all pitfalls available in the structure is offered to the IT team so that they can look at and solve the issues.

Cloud service providers like Google, Microsoft, Azure, or AWS provide automated discovery tools. They assist the local server, database, and storage space. A description of memory utilization, time analysis, and operating system performance is provided.

Are you sure, the migrant application is going to affect the cloud? A contradiction rises here. We can not be absolutely sure whether applications moving to the cloud are going to work properly in a new environment.

Cloud migration support performs necessary changes in applications to make them fit in current storage. Automated discovery tools reduce time requirements and expedite the process of cloud migration.

3 Types of Automated Discovery Tools

There are three types of automated discovery tools:

Migration-specific discovery and optimization tools

As the name specifies, migration automation tools are only limited to applications that are taking part in the process of migration. Automation tools can be used for the analysis of any application, whether it is migrating or not. As it provides an idea. But migration-specific automation tools inspect only those applications which are migrating from local to the cloud server.

Most of the time it happens that applications get busted or errors are examined in migrating applications. Here, the utilization of migration-specific automation tools became necessary. It ensures proper working of applications, less power utilization, and zero malfunction in cloud systems.

Infrastructure Management and Monitoring platforms

Infrastructure managing tools are concerned with application mapping. These tools work on making the application environment better. The existing setup requires a mapping of software on the cloud. Infrastructure tools perform this arrangement in which software can provide better throughput for database management, storage, and processing.

It is the process that requires the most time of the designer. Installing information tools for this purpose reduces time utilization and provides you with a picture of how your application will be assembled in the cloud.

One of the best Information tools available in the market is Puppet.


Puppet has made a name in the market as the leader of automation. Puppet sets up the infrastructure of the organization. It will provide a complete landscape of cloud infrastructure along with power consumption and memory utilization specifications.

Managed Service Provider (MSP) platforms

MSP provides cloud services to those who want to migrate from on-premise systems to a public cloud. Migrants use only those services providers who are licensed. Unauthorized service providers get no attraction from users. MSP requires expertise which is not a necessary thing for clients.

MSP requires knowledge of cloud computing, networking, storage, and cloud security, application stacks, and many more. MSP has the responsibility of organizations that are trusting them. Hence, it is necessary to maintain a threshold.

Other important points

Using automated tools is not enough. If you let everything be handled by these tools then the performance of the organization will get adversely affected. Firstly, It is the responsibility of the enterprise to look after the architects and designers to know whether they are using the right approach to reach the solution.

Secondly, application analysis is an organization’s duty. Enterprises have to evaluate the applications or data completely with every aspect to know whether it is worth it to move to the cloud or not. Because the cloud is a costly resource. If an enterprise has moved application 1 to cloud, but it comes to record that application 2 was more needed for public storage. It is a problem. As enterprises need to move application 2 to the public cloud which will ask for an extra cost.

Which Automated Discovery Tools should I Use?

All three types of automated discovery tools mentioned above are used. Every type is beneficial in particular circumstances. For example, if you have a good set that provides optimized storage and speed then MSP can be a good option.

Instead, if your enterprise maintains a large database that requires large storage space. Enterprise needs to move a useful database of employers from public storage to cloud then migration specific is a good choice.

Whereas considering a case where you don’t have a robust setup nor do you want to move from local to a public ledger. But the enterprise had a plan for future evolution. Then their infrastructure tool will be their choice.


Automated tools have made cloud computing less time-consuming and more compatible. It has facilitated a large number of organizations that need to spend months analyzing their intra-structure. Many advancements are planned to occur in future  through advanced automated discovery tools.

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