Loud Laptop Fan? Here’s how to fix it


Our computers are like our automobiles in some ways: we don’t give them much thought unless an issue stops us from using them routinely. And a noisy laptop fan is another issue that must be addressed.

Whenever it comes to getting jobs done in the environment of your pick, nothing beats a laptop computer. However, mobility comes at a price. Due to the little interior area and high-capacity batteries, heat accumulation is a common issue. Within moments of being switched on, your laptop begins to sound like an airplane taking off.

Your laptop fan is probably too noisy because it isn’t receiving sufficient air to complete its job correctly. Apart from obstructions, other typical causes include the passage of time and the presence of viruses. Fortunately, all of these difficulties are pretty simple to resolve.

In this post, we’ll go through the primary reasons why your laptop fan is so noisy, as well as some tips to fix it. If neither of those solutions works, you may want to consider buying a new laptop altogether.

Why do Laptops have fans in the first place?

As a consequence of its operations, any electrical equipment generates heat. Undoubtedly this was one of the most restricting issues in the early days of computer technologies. And besides, if your PC is continuously overheating, you won’t get anything done.

Adding a fan to the laptop will assist circulate cold air around it, reducing overall temperature. Additional components such as air ducts and passive heatsinks also help to keep the temperature low.

Reasons For Loud Laptop Fan

It is wise to determine the cause of your laptop fan’s noise issues before digging inside the laptop and fixing or changing components.

There are four broad kinds of problems that can produce fan noise, even though numerous particular difficulties might cause it.

Your laptop is running too hot

Because electronics and equipment are heat-sensitive, your laptop includes fans to keep it cool. If your laptop fans are louder and operate more frequently than you believe they ought, your computer is probably overheating. The fans would have to run more often and at a greater level to keep up with the rising temperatures.

Several factors might cause a laptop that is running too hot. Common reasons can be viruses decelerating the computer or too many open programmes consuming the computer’s resources. These can cause the laptop to be overworked, causing your laptop computer to generate excessive amounts of heat.

Your laptop fans are dirty

Dust collects within your computer, particularly if you have a large desktop computer. As dust accumulates on your computer fans, they cease to function correctly. Noisy laptop fans are frequently caused by dust and other junk.

Your laptop can’t ventilate heat

When you sit your laptop on your lap, your legs both impart heat to it and prevent cold air from flowing through to cool it down. Cool air is also required for desktop computers.

The fan is wearing out

The fan may occasionally stop working correctly. It might be defective, clipped, or worn out. In either case, a faulty fan must be replaced. For most laptops, this isn’t too difficult or expensive. On most computers, if you’re a DIYer with any confidence in your abilities, you could replace it yourself. Please remember that maintenance could invalidate your warranty unless you get your laptop serviced by a licensed expert.

Ways To Fix Loud Laptop Fans

Now that we’ve figured out what’s causing our laptop fan troubles, it’s time to talk about potential remedies.

Our top recommendations for keeping a laptop fan silent are listed below. Meanwhile, if your laptop fan starts rumbling or humming, it might be a symptom of something more serious. We urge that you have this examined before attempting to conceal it.

Clean the fans and vents

A dirty laptop fan is frequently a noisy laptop fan. Some dust will accumulate even in the purest settings since your laptop is continually drawing in the air.

Dust not only prevents air from entering via the ducts, but it could also lead the fan blades to become jammed. Removing the dirt from the fans and filters regularly to help your computer run more effectively.

Compressed air is the most effective technique to remove dust from your laptop. Typically this comes in a can with a small nozzle blown into the vents. You may also get an air duster, which is essentially a reverse vacuum cleaner.

Grab a compressed air duster (also known as canned air) and sprinkle it at an angle toward the vents on your laptop. You are aiming to blow the dust away from your computer’s housing, not back into it.

Make sure cool air can reach your laptop

Before we delve inside the internals of your laptop, make sure it’s in a position that allows it to cool down.

Use your laptop on a firm base, like a table or desk, and if you really must use it on your lap, keep it there for as little time as possible. You may also utilize a laptop ventilation system with a built-in fan that blows cool air up toward the laptop. Cooling pads also make it possible to use your laptop computer on your lap without overheating. Just make sure you don’t keep your laptop out in the sunlight for too long since it can quickly heat up.

Little rubber “feet” on the laptop or PC case base must provide some space for airflow between the case and the surface. If the feet have ground down or come off, fix them immediately to enable your computer to disperse heat.

Check your laptop haven’t got malware

We’d like to believe that we all regularly scan our laptops for malware attacks, but we understand that that’s not always the case. Malware may have a significant influence on the performance of your computer, causing the fan to work even harder than it needs to.

Malware may impact your laptop in several ways but can be summarized into two primary principles:

  • Firstly, malware frequently causes a computer to try and fail tasks
  • Secondly, malware can significantly slow down the speed of your laptop simply by being prevalent since malware is designed to take up a lot of disc space

What causes the fan to get louder as a result of this? Malware, in a nutshell, works your laptop even harder. As a result, it will become hotter as it attempts to keep up.

When this happens, your laptop fan works too hard and makes a loud noise. If you don’t yet have anti-virus software installed on your laptop, do so right now.

Related: What are the Best Types of Business Laptops?


The majority of us like to operate on lightning-fast computers and silent. However, that is not the situation in which most of us live. Fortunately, there are several options for quieting a noisy laptop fan.

Presumably, after using one or more of these techniques, you’ve been able to reduce the volume of your loud laptop fan to a manageable level. However, keep in mind that fiddling with your laptop might violate the warranty, so if you’re unsure, see an expert.

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